Thursday, March 24, 2011

Count Your Blessings... Name Them One By One...

I realized today that I have been focusing on the negative aspects of Taylor enlisting in the Marines when I should focus on all of the wonderful blessings of my life.  I am sooooo blessed.

First and foremost, I am the mother of an amazing young man. Taylor will be 18 years old tomorrow, an ADULT. The baby boy that I held in my arms briefly before the nurses rushed him back to ICU not only survived; he thrived.  He became the little tow head boy that laughed and laughed chasing after his dad, riding bikes with Cricket, wrestling on the trampoline with Colt, snuggling with his aunt to watch scary movies, hunting with his grandpa, riding broomstick horses with Miss Pam, and making me so proud to be his mom.  Taylor is grown. Where, oh where, did the time go? I sit here tonight shuffling through the slides of my mind, watching Taylor grow up over and over. This blog would have to be thousandds of pages long to capture every image on the page... just know that I have enjoyed every single moment of being Taylor's mom. 

I am blessed with a wonderful family.  My parents have grounded me.  My sister has made me laugh over and over and over.  My grandparents were sources of strength in my life. Taylor holds a special place in all their hearts and they in his.  My niece is more big sister to Taylor than a cousin.  He has always said she is his favorite person.  When he was little and said this, I would laugh.  Now, he is older and hedges... I am his favorite, but Cricket is pretty amazing. My family is everything.

My friends bless me every single day.  They surround me with love.  Taylor's birthday cake is being made by one of my closest friends.  She has driven cross country with us, played with him, cut his hair over and over... She has been a huge part of his life. Today I realized that when Tay leaves, it will be friends like Pam that hold me up when I just want to collapse.  I looked around at my co-workers tonight and thought..  I'm going to be alright. I cannot even begin to tell you how big a blessing that is...

Happy Birthday Taylor! 

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