Thursday, March 3, 2022

Is It Even Possible?

I watch House Hunters, Home Town, Lottery Dream Home, or some random television show where the main goal is to find the perfect home every night. That's not an exaggeration... I fall asleep every single night to people looking for their dream homes. I have made list after list of what my perfect house would be but I have never even tried to buy a house. Why? That's complicated....

For years, I lived in the perfect house. The rooms were large. There was an open floor plan. The yard was huge and private. I could sit outside on the porch and listen to the silence of nature. Taylor had a playroom and a bedroom and a playhouse in the backyard. There was storage and it was just the ideal situation. I LOVED that house.

Then, I was downsized by my company, went back to school to become a teacher, and basically could not afford to live in my dream home. It was a hard time and it damaged my view of the possible, if I am being honest and since this is my blog for Lent, I will be completely honest. My heart got banged up a little and my confidence in myself was shaken but I kept moving forward so we literally moved.. to my grandmother's house, to a house in town with an upstairs neighbor who fought with her boyfriend loudly, to a converted barn house with crazy landlords, and finally to a lovely house out in the country with good neighbors and a friendly landlord. It wasn't the dream house, but it is a good house. I have lived there 12 years. 

Yes, my friends... I have rented for over a decade. Why? Because when you lose a dream, you lose the ability to dream for a little while. Is that a little too real for a Lent blog? I keep looking at it and thinking how sad that sounds but it's completely true....I lost the dream house and I found a suitable replacement and settled. I did not think I could do better... I did not think I could buy a house.. I was wrong.

Today's blog was going to be about where to start when you're ready to buy a house but it's not about that at all... it's about chasing your dreams even when you get knocked down and it's hard. It's about never settling for less because it feels less scary. Maybe I just needed to type the words that I want Oma's House to be MY Dream Home and not just a nice place I live. 

Is it even possible? I sure hope so... I sure hope so... Tomorrow, we will discuss where to start chasing the dream...

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